Hormone Replacement Therapy Services in Morgantown, WV

Hormone Replacement Therapy Services in Morgantown, WV

Hormonal changes can affect your energy levels, metabolism, and overall well-being and make it difficult to feel like yourself. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment that can help restore balance in your body by supplementing the hormones your body is no longer producing at optimal levels. At Willow Medical Aesthetics and Wellness in Morgantown, WV, we can help you navigate these changes to improve your quality of life. BHRT can support better sleep, mood stability, and much more. We would love to give you more information about this service and get you back on the path to health and wellness.

The Basics About Hormonal Imbalances

Hormones regulate many functions in the body, including metabolism, mood, sleep, and reproductive health. When levels become too high or too low, symptoms like fatigue, weight changes, irritability, and disrupted sleep can start to interfere with your life. In both men and women, hormonal imbalances can result from aging, stress, certain medical conditions, or lifestyle factors.

Testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are key hormones that shift over time. In women, menopause and perimenopause can cause significant hormone fluctuations, while men may experience a gradual decline known as andropause. Addressing imbalances early can help reduce symptoms and improve overall health both in the short and long term.

What Is BHRT?

Hormone replacement therapy involves supplementing hormones that naturally decline with age or due to other factors. Bioidentical hormones closely match those produced by the body. Hormones can be administered through several different methods, but we use hormone pellets because of the ease of treatment and the effectiveness of the results. This treatment can help support hormonal balance, reducing the impact of fatigue, brain fog, and other symptoms linked to low hormone levels.

What Can We Treat With BHRT?

Fatigue and Low Energy

A drop in hormone levels can leave you feeling drained, no matter how much rest you get. When the body struggles to maintain proper levels of testosterone, estrogen, or thyroid hormones, energy production slows down. Adjusting these imbalances can help improve stamina and reduce the sluggishness that often comes with hormonal changes.

Mood Swings, Anxiety, and Depression

Some patients can experience beneficial shifts in their mood with BHRT treatments. Fluctuating hormones can affect brain chemistry and lead to mood instability, increased anxiety, or feelings of depression. For some, these shifts happen gradually, while others experience sudden changes, particularly during menopause or andropause.

Weight Gain and Metabolism Issues

Hormones play a role in regulating metabolism, and it can be harder to maintain a steady weight when the levels fluctuate. A slower metabolism combined with increased fat storage can cause these difficulties. Addressing hormone imbalances through BHRT may help improve metabolic function and support a healthier balance between fat and muscle.

Low Libido and Sexual Dysfunction

A decline in testosterone or estrogen can affect arousal, sensation, and overall sexual function. Reduced blood flow, vaginal dryness, or erectile dysfunction are all linked to hormonal changes that impact physical intimacy. Adjusting hormone levels may help improve libido and restore natural function.

Muscle Loss and Decreased Bone Density

Testosterone and estrogen influence muscle maintenance and bone strength. As levels decline, the body may lose muscle mass and become more prone to fractures. With proper hormone support, it may be possible to slow down these effects and maintain better musculoskeletal health.

Sleep Disturbances and Cognitive Concerns

Poor sleep and difficulty concentrating are common signs of hormonal imbalances. Disruptions in melatonin, cortisol, and sex hormones can interfere with deep sleep cycles and mental clarity. Balanced hormones promote more restful sleep and sharper cognitive function for both men and women.

Who Can We Treat With BHRT?

Women in their 30s who experience severe PMS symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, and irregular cycles, may benefit from hormone support. By the 40s, perimenopause can cause unpredictable shifts in estrogen and progesterone and cause hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and changes in metabolism.

For women in full menopause, low hormone levels can cause even more persistent symptoms, including bone loss, brain fog, and vaginal dryness. Men can also experience imbalances, particularly with testosterone, leading to fatigue, muscle loss, and reduced libido. BHRT treatment can help restore balance for patients of all ages, male and female, dealing with these changes.

Our BHRT Process

Reaching Out to Us

If you’re dealing with fatigue, mood swings, or other symptoms of a hormone imbalance, we’re here to help. We can walk you through the basics of BHRT therapy, explain how hormones affect different aspects of health, and answer any questions you have about treatment options. You can get in touch with us at any time to learn more. A simple conversation can help determine if this approach is right for you.

Lab Testing and Evaluation

We will need to get a clear picture of your hormone levels. If you are interested in the service, we will order comprehensive blood work through Labcorp to measure key hormones and identify imbalances. Once your results are in, we use this information to guide your treatment plan and make recommendations based on what your body needs.

In-Person Consultation and Treatment Plan

The next step is an in-person consultation. During your appointment, we’ll go over your lab results, discuss your medical history, and review your symptoms in detail. If you decide to move forward with pellet insertion, we can complete the procedure on the same day as your history and physical exam so you don’t have to come in for multiple visits.

Pellet Insertion

For patients choosing hormone replacement with pellets, we insert small, bioidentical hormone pellets just beneath the skin. Pellets provide a steady release of hormones for several months and can keep your levels more consistent. The insertion process is quick and allows you to get back to your day right away.

Follow-Up and Monitoring

Hormone levels don’t stay the same forever, so we monitor how your body responds and make adjustments as needed. Follow-up appointments help us track your progress and fine-tune your treatment to keep you feeling your best. We’ll do a blood test six weeks after your initial pellet insertion appointment. If any concerns come up, we’re always available to make changes and support your long-term health.

What to Expect From the Pellet Insertion Process

The pellets used in hormone pellet therapy are about the size of a grain of rice and are usually placed in the hip or upper buttock area. To begin, we clean and numb the insertion site to keep you comfortable. A small incision is made, and the pellets are inserted using a special device called a trocar. Once in place, the incision is closed with a sterile bandage. No stitches are needed!

The entire procedure takes just a few minutes, and you won’t experience discomfort because of the local anesthetic. Afterward, we will provide you with additional care instructions to help with healing. While most normal activities are okay, you’ll want to avoid excessive physical activities and heavy lifting for a few days to allow the insertion site to settle and heal.


BHRT uses bioidentical hormones made from plant sources like yams. The hormones closely match the body’s natural hormones. Traditional HRT uses synthetic hormones often derived from animal sources. Bioidentical hormones are designed for better absorption, which may lead to a better effect.

Hormone pellets last between three to five months. Women generally need pellet reinsertion every three to four months, while men may go four to five months between treatments. Since pellets dissolve on their own, there’s no need for removal. You can expect simple follow-up appointments to monitor levels and re-insertion appointments if needed.

Learn More About the Benefits of BHRT

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers a way to restore balance to your body. Pellet therapy provides a steady release of hormones and can resolve many of the symptoms of menopause or andropause. At Willow Medical Aesthetics and Wellness, we use lab testing and detailed evaluations to create an approach that supports long-term health.

If you’re in Morgantown, WV, and want to learn more about BHRT, we’re happy to answer your questions. Call (715) 243-5166 or contact us online to get more information.

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