Kybella uses deoxycholic acid (a naturally-occurring chemical in your body) to destroy the fat cells in your double chin. Kybella is formulated with a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid that treats fat cells permanently once injected into the targeted area. The solution reduces these fat cells, which are flushed out of your body gradually. In a clinical trial, 82.4% of patients reported significantly improved satisfaction with their appearance. A perk worth mentioning is that when these fat cells are treated, they can’t reproduce. Once you accomplish your aesthetic goal, no further sessions are necessary.
Kybella is for you if you have fat beneath your chin that doesn’t decrease with a healthy diet and exercise. Excessive fat in the armpits, bra line bulge, love handles, and abdomen can also be treated.
You’ll see the results in six weeks after your last procedure. The improvements continue to become apparent for six months after treatment.
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